Max Payne Cheat Codes
To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe with the command line parameter "-developer". Once you have the game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console with F12 and enter these codes:
coder - God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, etc.
God - God Mode
Mortal - Become Mortal
ShowFPS - Show FPS
NoClip - Fly Mode
NoClip_off - No Fly Mode
getbullettime - Fill Up When Bullet-Time Runs Out
showfps - Show Frame Rate
getpainkillers - Get 8 PainKillers
c_addhealth ( 100 ) - Add 100 to Health
GetAllWeapons - All Weapons
GetInfiniteAmmo - Infinite Ammo
jump10 - Jump Higher (set to 20 or 30 for even higher)
SetWoundedState - Walk as if Wounded
SetNormalState - Walk Normally
GetBaseballbat - Baseball Bat
GetBeretta - Beretta
GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas
GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle
GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1
GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2
GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun
GetIngram - Ingram
GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams
GetMP5 - MP5
GetColtCommando - Colt Commando
GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail
GetGrenade - Grenade
GetM79 - M79
GetSniper - Sniper Rifle
GetHealth - Health
GetPainkillers - Pain Killers
GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time
Jump10 - Big Jump
Jump20 - BigBig Jump
Jump30 - BigBigBigJump
Inventory - Details of Player
Clr - Delete Line
Help - List Cheats
The following keys will be enabled also:
C - Cycle through three camera modes
PageUp - Cycle mesh up
PageDown - Cycle mesh down
Ctrl + PageUp - Cycle TextureSet up
Ctrl + PageDown - Cycle TextureSet down
Home - Increase game speed
End - Decrease game speed
Home + End - Set game speed to 1.00x (default speed)